Ive very much enjoyed the last 2 years studying at the VCA, Im pleased to celebrate to have completed a Masters of Contemporary Art. The exhibition opens on Monday, come along and see what everyones been making!
Installation view, Elyss McCleary,Jazz Cigarette, oil on canvas, cedarwood and oil on linen, 343cm x 87cm x 41cm, 2016
Masters Exhibition - Opening Night Celebrations! 5 December, 6.00pm - 8.00pm
The VCA Masters Exhibition features the work of graduating students completing the Master of Contemporary Art and Master of Fine Art. Commencing in the Margaret Lawrence Gallery and spreading throughout the campus, this exhibition celebrates the students’ outstanding accomplishments in 2016.
The 2016 graduate catalogue, ‘one hundred and sixty-five degrees’ is available for purchase on the night at the Margaret Lawrence Gallery.
Opening Celebrations:
Monday 5 December, 6.00pm – 8.00pm
Exhibition Dates:
6 December to 11 December
Daily from 11.00am – 5.00pm
Venue of official proceedings at 6pm:
The Workshop, Building 874
Enter via Margaret Lawrence Gallery
40 Dodds Street, Southbank
Image credit: Brent Edwards